In Bed (how do we sleep when the planet is melting?)
Steel bunk beds, mattress, glass, aluminum frame, storm door, acrylic sticker, hand dyed bed sheets, acrylic and enamel paint
103 1/2 by 108 by 98 in. 262.9 by 274.3 by 248.9 cm.
Sawdust-encrusted canvases, clothes, and blankets strung across a gallery appearing like fields of color, geometric stacks of bunk beds aglow in the pink light of colorful glass panels. The muscular works featured in In the Abstract merge the formal gestures and historical associations of abstract painting with recognizable imagery and everyday objects to point to social and political realities of today. Form, color, and gesture act as metaphors for how we process the world around us and convey emotional, philosophical, and spiritual states.