Welcome back to the Stanczak Color Quarterly, the newsletter celebrating the work of seminal Op Artist and master colorist Julian Stanczak. This issue features a 1998 work, Low Sound. Read on to discover more.
At first glance, Low Sound appears to be painted in black and white. A closer look reveals the painting's predominant color to be purple (or, to be precise, two different purples). Click this link to learn more about this painting—rare within Stanczak's oeuvre for more reason than one—by reading Barbara Stanczak’s essay on the work.
“Low Sound looks deceptively simple upon first encounter, but the longer the viewer spends with the painting, the more they experience a number of magical touches. ”
—Barbara Stanczak on Low Sound
“Color cannot be measured so easily. Its energies are diffused in memory. We know color through our reaction to it. It becomes an experience.”
—Julian Stanczak