The Human Comedy
Oil and graphite on canvas
96 by 78 in. 243.8 by 198.1 cm.
An age of excess not just in art but fashion, music and society, the Eighties is now recognized as a decade of wildly creative and lasting originality. Internationally renowned painter Eric Fischl, one of the heroes of the epoch, is the guest curator for this multi-media extravaganza, which revisits the East Village scene where he and Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Julian Schnabel, Cindy Sherman, April Gornik, Kenny Scharf, Robert Mapplethorpe, Andres Serrano, and Robert Longo were among the superstars. Fischl's brilliant keynote for the show: "When I think about the 80s I think about the energy, the confusion, the passions and the fault lines. At that time, no one knew who was going to last, who was better, everything was just pushing everything else."