Flux This, with Pope.L and Special Guests Museum of Modern Art, New York Instructions, proposals, notions, a phone call, and a trampoline. A day and a half of Fluxus-inspired-and-disgusted workshops, performances, video, and interventions, concluding with an evening of short things and even shorter things. Everyone is invited! 12:00–6:30 p.m. in the Cullman Education Building mezzanine and classrooms (admission is free) 6:30 p.m. in the Celeste Bartos Theater (T3) (tickets required) Open rehearsals for this event take place on March 24. In conjunction with the exhibitions Instruction Lab and Contemporary Art from the Collection Tickets for the 6:30 p.m. theater event ($10; $8 members; $5 students, seniors, staff of other museums) can be purchased online or at the lobby information desk and the film desk.