"Dialogue of Hands" will be a sculpture park for children and adults, located on the elevated ground level sculpture courtyard of the iconic 1964 building, formerly known as the College of Building and Printing (recently renamed City of Glasgow College). The exhibition would be an immersive sensory environment, with an emphasis on real time audience participation and attracting families with children. The courtyard, which despite its city centre location, is hidden from view and previously unused, would be landscaped in homage to the 1960s environments of Brazilian artist Helio Oiticica, using wood chips, sand, water, shade sails, hessian and plants, as in Oiticica's seminal participation project Eden (Whitechapel Gallery, London, 1969). The exhibition would also reference Palle Nielsen's famous Model for a Qualitative Society (Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 1968). "Dialogue of Hands" is named after a collaborative work by Helio Oiticica and Lygia Clark, in which one of each artist’s hands were joined together within the loop of a paper moebius strip. The title reflects Oiticica’s belief that the viewer who fully participated in his work was joining a critical experiment in the exercise of freedom. The four artists selected to participate in this group collaborative exhibition project, Chris Johanson (USA), Camilla Løw (Norway), Mary Redmond (UK) and Corin Sworn (Canada/UK), will make sculptural works designed to be played with by both children and adults in an outdoor environment. Each of the four artists asked to participate in the exhibition have significant interests in sculptural environments, legacies of modernism and audience participation. Curated by Sarah Lowndes Produced by Katie Nicoll